

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Another Fun Visit with Zen.

Erica and I just got back from another fun visit with our new four legged boy Zen.  A little bit of working on the line and a quick ride made for a fun evening.  We asked someone else to come out and take a look at Zen and she was also impressed.

As promised, I have included a couple pictures of Zen.  We hope to bring him home to the barn we board at around the first of August.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Book Recommendations

I recently started reading noted author, speaker, and theologian Ravi Zacharias' book, Has Christianity Failed You.  This is not the first book I have read by Zacharias; however, I will submit it is arguably his best work to date.  One of the best aspects of how Zacharias presents his apologetic is the ability to get to the core of the basic arguments often presented by those who are opposed to the tenets of Scripture, most notably those of the New Atheist camp.  

Many who write apologetic style books center their arguments on a rather simplistic approach of the Bible says so and you must believe it type of presentation.  While this approach at its core is valid, it is somewhat useless at times particularly when you are in a discussion with someone who outright rejects the message of Scripture in the first place.  What typically happens is a back and forth argument that ultimately goes nowhere.  Unfortunately, most Christians are wholly unfamiliar with not only the tenets of orthodox Christianity, but more importantly, they are unfamiliar with what formulates the fulcrum of thought for those who reject God in favor of atheistic or more often, a belief in naturalism or some other type of humanistic style belief system.

With that said, I highly recommend Has Christianity Failed You for its simplistic profundity.  Zacharias is skilled at presenting all elements of an argument while continually maintaining the veracity of Scripture as opposed to that of those who view religion as nothing more than a crutch.  While D.A. Carson continues to be my favorite author, Ravi Zacharias is quickly becoming a close second.

I encourage anyone who is struggling or has struggled with what the Bible actually teaches or what is means to be a Christian to give this book a read.  I am confident you will find the ideas you have about this thing called being a Christian, ideas often provided by the mainstream media, are incorrect.  Instead, you will find a God who desires to have a relationship with you and who gave His only Son for you.  Think about that for a minute.  All He asks is that you accept a free gift.  Who would not want a free gift?  As noted by Zacharias, "God has poured into our hearts  a hunger for him and the ability to reason to remind us that if we don't follow this imperative, we end up demeaning ourselves."  The redemption provided by God through His Son provides those who accept this gift with "a new life of serving God and our fellow human beings."

Go buy this book and watch the YouTube link provided above for a quick preview!!  

'Nuff said

Saturday, May 14, 2011

New Addition

We shall see in the next few weeks whether or not the House of MEBOL will have a new addition.  What is this new addition you say?  Well, we are contemplating acquiring another horse.  You might say we are hoping to give this new addition a stable relationship.  The plan is to use this horse, aptly named Zen, for horse lessons.

After our first visit to Zen's current home and a quick ride, we have deemed him to be looking into further.  Pictures of Zen will hopefully be posted tomorrow provided the rain holds off.

'Nuff said!